week has been some sort of crazy time warp, i'm still trying to decide if it
was the longest week of my life or the shortest. Either way, we were
definitely using every second we could every day! With MLC and Zone Trainings,
(those are training meetings we have ill explain later) we were not able to
proselyte as much as we would have liked, but the time that remained for
proselyting activities we made the best of! As a result, and with the help of
the lord, we were able to have a lesson in a members home with our progressing
investigator every night. Its been amazing the power of the spirit that has
been with us in the homes of these stalwart members. Even hard topics like the
law of chastity seamed to flow with ease and acceptance as the spirit testified
of the truth. We haven't felt like we've been teaching at all recently, but
that we have just been there to witness the spirit testify to our investigator
(Rayshawn). I have always realized how important it is to teach with
members, but never has it been more clear and powerful than it has been this
last week or so.
powerful experience in particular happened when questions were asked regarding
1 Nephi 13. Rayshawn did not understand what the scriptures meant about "
the great and abominable church" etc. So we read through parts of
the chapter and taught to the questions she needed. It came to a point where
Elder Littleford and I were prompted to testify that this was the one and only
true church and to ask Rayshawn specifically, "If this is Christs church,
and it is his only church, then who's church is everybody else's?". She
responded, "Satans". (interestingly we had studied that during comp
study that very morning!) we paused for a second and then started to move on
when she asked us to wait, she then proceeded to bear her testimony to us about
the spirit that she has felt during our lessons and how she knew that this was
the true church. She will be baptized this coming Saturday the 12th. I'm
so grateful that we've been able to have lessons in members homes, the spirit
that has been there has been absolutely incredible. The Members have responded
with more referrals and support than ever. Its been incredible to be a part of.
that expirience and so much more, this week has just been awesome! A LOT of
work, but a lot of reward, we are just happy as can be right now haha.
MLC (as i said i would explain later) is a meeting we have once a month where
president hanks trains us on whatever we need to know basically. This month it
was focused primarily on testimony and being BOLD. That lasts most of Tuesday
and the Wednesday after is spent in preparation for Thursday where We (being Elder
Littleford and I) are in charge of a Zone Training. In that meeting we take all
that we learned from President Hanks and teach it to the rest of the
missionaries in our zone. It went very well this last week! Some highlights
include a talk called "stay by the tree" that is Phenomenal! here is
the link. https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2015/04/stay-by-the-tree?lang=eng you
might remember it from last General conference, but it teaches so much about
how to endure till the end. as well as testimony's of scriptures that had
changed us personally and so much more! It was a great couple of meetings.
Other then that, between teaching and getting oil changes in our car, getting
flu shots, and attending 2 different church services. (spanish and english) we
were packed! Its so great to be busy in the work of the lord!
love you all and i am praying for you all!
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