Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Week 40 3/30/15


Hey everyone!

So great to be able to talk to yall, Its been a pretty good week, but a tough one at the same time! we've had t fight illness and fatigue and all sorts of stuff, luckily though we have had the lord on our side and its been an awesome time anyway!

So, I dont have the most time to write today! however,ill just give a breif summary of my week!

Monday it started of with an awesome dinner at the monroys house, we challenged them to find on of their friends who is ready for the gospel and will be teaching the friend of theirs shortly i beleive!

Tuesday we woke up and bott was intensly sick. we arent sure what he had, but it was some sort of really bad cold. So, for fear of him being contagious and so that he cold rest, we ended up not being able to go out and work tuesday. Let me tell you, that is the hardest thing as a missionary! Espessially when you arent the one sick! So, i ended up reading a lot of scriptures that day. haha

Wednesday, Elder Bott was starting to feel better, but we were only aloud to go to a few of our appointments. We went and saw nandi and Larry and then later in the day we were able to go to a members house for a dinner appointment. Nandi and Larry are awesome! They've now been to church twice and they love it! Sadly, we had to hand them off to the english elders because its a lot easier for them to work with them, but we will still be teaching nandi and larry side by side with the english ward. We are super excited for them!!

Thursday, Elder Bott was feeling much better and we were lucky enough to be able to have our temple trip! The temple is just such an amazing place! It is truly a house of god on this earth, and so it was an awesome experience getting to go through the temple. We dont get to often as missionaries, but when we do, its worth the wait! I always learn so much!

Friday, We had a great district meating, we were able to see nandi and larry again, andwe had a great futbol night! Super great day!

Saturday, we did service for a member (helping clean a house) Then we had a frisbee day in the park! a few new people came and so it was a great way to find new people. Sadly it was pretty cold though so not to many people came, hopefully we will have some better weather this next saturday to be able to find more people!

Saturday, We had church and a convivio after, then we met this super cool guy named victor while tracting! he is a young hispanic man and was very interested in the book of mormon. Hopefully we will be able to keep working with him!

So, all in all, a good week! dispite being slowed down a day we still did awesome!

Im like out of time so i just want to leave you with a poem!

"There is no chance, no victory, no fate, can circumvent, nor hinder, nor control. The firm resolve of a determined soul."

love you all!

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