Monday, January 5, 2015

Week 28 1/5/15

Happy New Year Yall!

You wont beleive how many times i heard that this last week haha, and then i probobly said it back another 100 times ;) But, its fantastic! The south is full of nice people that are willing to say that to random strangers and i love it! :)

So here is a brief run down of my week.

Monday: I sent yall emails and stuff and then we ended up doing a little tracting and contacting, nothing to exciting but it was fun!

Tuesday: We had a crazy good day, we spent a lot of time in downtown huntsville and talked to a lot of people just walking around. We met this guy who was building a rocket for the "moon drop" The next day. Apparently in this big park in huntsville they do a moon drop where the drop a moon to thew rocket and its like a big part thing. pretty fun all in all!  then we taught a bunch of lessons to people! one guy we met in the library and we really wants to come to church and it was a very productive awesome day!

Wednesday: new years eve! The highlight was definitely that we drove to Athens to a members house. They are the Silva and they are the nicest couple! Brother Silva was going to play pro soccer in mexico before deciding to come to the states (needless to say he beats us friday nights) and sister silva can cook crazy good! She made like fried chicken tacos with home made salsa and avacato. super good! We then had a little party at my apartment. The other spanish elders stayed with us and we talked and played games. ate little smokeys, and then said happy new year and went to bed.

Thursday:HAPPY NEW YEARS! we woke up and got our studys done and got ready. then had an awesome contacting day, taught like 2 random lessons just on the street. then went to one lopez family for late lunch (delicious) Then to the other lopez family for dinner! We were so full!!! Sister lopez made peruvian tomales and holy cow... Best food there is!  but, that was the end of my holiday food stuffing!

Friday:We started to really push our eating healthy and working out again now that the holidays are over. we had an awesome zone training about setting goals and we decided that the best way to feel energetic and ready for missionary work is to be healthy! So weve been working on eating mostly fruits, veggies, things like chicken, rice, eggs. Food thats low fat and not processed and is good for you in general! I already can tell the difference in how i feel now verses then. The Word of wisdom is definitely inspired! living healthy is the way to go! We also played soccer and had English class this night super successful! and we got a little better at soccer from playing agianst brother silva haha.

Saturday:Had the most amazing lesson with martin! He is preparing to be baptized the 31st! super excited for him! He just needs to keep progressing :) Then at 6 our mission got like "shut down" for tornado warnings. so we had to go inside. all we had was some rain though. we are all safe and sound haha :)

sunday: was just another awesome day in the life :)

So thats whats been going on! I dont have more time so i gotta head, love yall!

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