Hey Yall!
Ok, to start off, I am
being transfered!!! So... DO NOT send me anything untill i can send out my new
address!! how we do transfers is that on saturday we get called to
tell us if we are moving or not. then on wednesday we go to birmingham
if we are being moved and get assigned our new companions and areas. then we
drive there and set up camp and send out the new addresses! So its pretty Much
a mystery where we are going untillwednesday!!! at least it is this time!!
sometimes we can guess where we are going (considering theres only like 30
spanish elders) but this time i have no clue haha. we will see how it goes! im
excited to go somewhere new and progress the work :)
It is sad to leave
Huntsville though! Ive grown to love this branch and the familys here. Ive
grown so much; ive learned to speak spanish, learned how to be a missionary,
learned how to be myself as a missionary, learned to play soccer, learned that
alabama is COLD, and so much more! It was truly awesome to serve here, and although
i will miss the people. (espessially the soto family) i will be able to come
back and see them again and be lifetime friends! we live in an awesome world
today with facebook and such! :)
Ok, so the Soto family
is awesome! They are our investigators right now and they are so solid! We met
them last week doing service for them with the silva family and since then
Jackie (the daughter) has been to church twice and is reading the BOM! Her mom
and older brother Came to church this week as well and seam super interested!
They are comming to the church a bit later to play soccer and we are going to
teach a little lesson as well! So there whole family is Fernando and his wife
addriana, then Jose who works out of state a lot and is 20. and then jackie who
is a senior and is 19. They are all awesome! one of the favorite familys i have
met on my mission!
So this week we have
really been focusing on working with them. we went out to athens on
thursday and had dinner with them and the silvas and taught a lesson.
then on friday for our normal soccer night they all came and we
taught another lesson after. Its been a blast! Other then that though we have
really had just an awesome last week of the transfer!
Starting out the week
we had dinner at the knights house monday night, they are just the
awesomest implant family ever! he has taught me a lot about how to be a good
morman in general. humble and meek but firm and resolute. brother knight is
Then tuesday we
had an awesome day full of tracting and contacting, we saw donna and she fed
us, seriously, ive been fed more this week then like my whole mission combined!
wednesday We had
a bit of a slow day, not to much happened accept for english
class wednesday which is starting to go really well! we have a few
regular students and hopefully a few new investigators will come from it :)
thursday was the
day we went out to athens with the Sotos! We also had an awesome weekly
planning session at starbucks and just all in all had a good day.
Friday We had one
of the best district meeting ive ever had! Brother knight came and shared just
some awesome thoughts on life and what he has learned from being a missionary
and bishop and stake president and he is awesome! I learned so much!! We also
had a member give us a $25 gift card for dominos and so we had an awesome
dinner!! Then to top it off an awesome football night with some great
Saturday We went
to Floridalma lopez's house and ate dinner and she introduced us to her friends
who want to come to english class and futbol! so it will be just a blast to
work with them! We also stumbled upon a boat show and walked in to where it was
free, it was pretty cool haha.
Sunday was
awesome and sad! we had great investigators at church and things are really comming
together! but at the same time i had to say goodbye. we went over to the santos
house and they threw a little party and invited over president lopez and his
family. it was way sad saying goodbye but i am really comforted to know that i
did my very best to leave huntsville better then i found it! So im conte4nt to
leave :)
Then today we have had
an awesome day! played ultimate frisbee and then had a zone activity where we
did yoga for an hour! it was such a blast! it really does help you balance your
body and spirit and let yourself be open to the spirit! then we are going to
play soccer tonight and have a lesson with the sotos! should be a great way to
spend my last p-day here in huntsville!
Alright, so i just
wanted to share one little video then head off!
Its awesome and shares
a really good message! what can we do that is small and simple, but could
change someones whole day or week or even life!
I love you all so much! ill send the new address soon!
Hey Yall!
Hey Yall!
I just got to my new area and settled in a bit! My New companion is Elder Gunther. He is from Logan Utah and is a stud! he used to do ballroom dance and is a super good missionary. I already know that i will learn a lot from him.
I am now in whats called the Altadena spanish branch which covers the Birmingham stake for spanish people! Should be a blast! We actually live in a town called homewood though. My new Address is...
415 B Raleigh Ave,
Homewood, AL
Anyways, i hope you are all doing awesome! im super excited to be starting again in a new area! Love yall!