week was just a week full of new people and exciting things!!! Miracles
One in
particular is with an investigator we taught one lesson to a while ago and
since we have not been able to see him again. His name is Joe and we had been
working hard all day, we had met a few people but nothing super super solid.
Anyways, we decided to go try knocking on his door. Low and behold he was
there. We taught him an awesome lesson about the book of Mormon and he saws he
would want to be baptized after having the rest of the discussions! So
hopefully we will continue teaching him! :)
awesome miracle happened in finding a new investigator this week as well! Her name is
fernanda and she is super cool! So we have english classes every Wednesday and
Friday nights and we put a bunch of flyers around in all of the Hispanic areas.
So on Wednesday we had this lady just show up for english! She is very nice,
has 2 young kids, and she has been to church once before with some other missionary's!
Even better she doesn't work on sunday! Immediately she was fellowshiped by members and
the missionarys and it is just so cool! We are starting to teach her the
lessons and English and she is so elect! We are so excited to hopefully
get her to come unto Christ! :)
It was
really cool to see how she saw that flyer and decided to come learn, to improve
herself! Now we are starting to teach her not only english which will help
her immensely, but also the gospel which will help her for eternity! Its just
awesome :)
in the week we had stake conference! Our Mission President came and gave
an excellent talk during the conference as well! He talked on the
"So What" of missionary work. Because when we talk to people, we can
tell them all about josehp smith or the BOM or anything and if we dont tell
them why its important or how it will help their lives, whats the point!?
like this, If i go up to start talking to someone who is a single mom with 3
kids, and all i tell her is that "hey this is a good book, you should read
it." Do you think she will read it!? NO!!
if you tell her that "This is The Book of Mormon. Its a sacred volume of
scripture like the bible and contains the testimony of
prophets about Jesus Christ, it also contains the knowledge of
how families can live together forever with our lord and savior
jesus christ. Would you be interested in learning about how familys can be
together forever?" All of the sudden she has a reason to read, she
can see how this book can help her.
So I
encourage all of you, as you strive to go out and be missionarys, give people
the "So what". Tell them why this gospel can change their lives!
Because it can! and it will! Just as the gospel changed Alma the younger, If
you can help change someone who knows how much good they can do! Let them see
how all of their strife can be changed to joy just
as Alma experienced in chapter 36!
17 And it came to pass that as I was thus racked with
torment, while I was harrowed up by the memory of my
many sins, behold, I remembered also to have heard my
father prophesy unto the people concerning the coming of
one Jesus Christ, a Son of God, to atone for the sins of the
18 Now, as my mind caught hold upon this thought, I cried within my heart: O Jesus, thou Son of God, have mercy on me, who am in the gall of bitterness, and am encircled about by the everlasting chains of death.
19 And now, behold, when I thought this, I could remember my pains no more; yea, I was harrowed up by the memory
of my sins no more.
20 And oh, what joy, and what marvelous light I did behold; yea,my soul was filled with joy as exceeding as was my pain!
When we
give people the "So What", we help them change, like alma did, we can
help them understand that the true joy of this life comes through jesus christ.
I encourage you all to read all of Alma 36 (because its just one of my favorite
chapters!) and also to share the gospel! Give people the WHY!
I love
you all so much, You guys are awesome!!!

P.s. I
hope everyone had a chance to see Meet the Mormons! If not you should go watch
it! it is a fantastic movie! :) Share it with your friends and non-members
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