Sunday, September 28, 2014

13 Weeks a Missionary

Well Hello Everyone!

This week i have learned a bit more about patience, I know, scary right? but actually it was a huge blessing! so the story kind of goes like this.

Lately me and elder Jackson have been feeling like we have been putting in a ton of work and yet not finding much success. We've been working really hard biking, contacting, trying to talk to everyone and yet we haven't seen to much progress from anyone. Then, on Saturday, it all changed. Our investigator martin just blew us away in a lesson. hes been reading and praying! then we were contacting by some soccer fields and a huge group of Hispanic guys want to come to the church to play on our soccer ward activity nights. Then we talked to a kid that asked for a BOM to read and told us he had a bunch of friends he wants to take to soccer, Then again later that night a man from New York talked to us and ask for a BOM because he no longer had his. It got lost during his move.

It was such a good day, it felt like in every thing we did the lord was guiding us to those who needed us. i learned a lesson in patience, i learned that sometimes the mission is going to drag and you wont feel successful but by following the lord and acting in diligence he will guide you to those who need you. So on those days you don't feel successful you really are! as long as your striving with a steadfastness in Christ striving diligently to be a better missionary each and ever day. Loving the Mish!

I really loved this little expirience though! because me and elder jackson work hard, we try and be the best missionarys we can be and sometimes its hard to see why we are being obedient and working hard and are not finding solid people, while some missionarys who arent working hard are finding amazing people and having so much success! However, its ok, the lord tries us all in different ways, and as we learn and progress he will bless us. So when me and elder jackson have been working for weeks and maybe not finding the most success, he saw fit to bless us with success in due time. All we had to do was just stay steadfast :)

Thats a principal i just have learned to love! Steadfast. in the dictionary it means...

"resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering."

That is just awesome! Imaging how much good we could do if in everything we were steadfast? unwaivering? firm? We could change the world! Thats when blessings come. Just like me and elder jackson showed steadfastness with working through the heat and the hardness, we were blessed. When you work through the trials and hardship, with a steadfastness toward your goal, you will be blessed to obtain it. That is why it is so important to be steadfast in christ! in all ways and at all times! if we are dutifully firm in trying to be like the savior, can you even imagine how much better of a place our world would be!? It is just awesome!

So I challenge everyone this week to be steadfast, choose one specific thing and be 100% steadfast in it this week, i promise you will see blessings as you are diligent and steadfast :)

So one last thing, YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS VIDEO!!!

Its the newest mormon message and its amazing! Hope everyone is doing awesome! i  hope my letters inform of enough thats happening too haha.

Love you all! Keep on keeping on!

-Elder steele

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