Monday, October 12, 2015

Week 60 8/17/15


Hey Everyone!

First off I need to give everyone a bit of information! I found out this Saturday that I will be leaving Decatur! So, if anyone has mail to send or anything, I will be sending out my new address this coming Wednesday after I find out where I will be serving! I have no idea as of right now but im excited to go wherever they send me! :) Now on to my weekly letter.

This week has been a great way to end my time In Decatur! Yesterday at church, Me, Elder Platt, Sister Mason, and Sister Rodriguez performed "All Creatures of our God and King" during sacrament meeting. I played the violin and the 3 of them sang. It turned out very well! Most of the ward had no idea that I could play the violin nor that Elder Platt could sing, so they were both a bit surprised and thrilled. It was a great experience, hopefully in my coming area I can perform once or twice during sacrament.

The rest of the week was awesome as well! We had a great basketball night, a quick exchange with the Athens elders, and zone conference! Not to mention dinners with some great members as well as some fantastic teaching appointments!

For example, this last Friday Whilst planning for our day, Elder Platt and I had the prompting to text our investigator Meredith to see how she was doing. (often times we only text her boyfriend Blair) She responded quickly telling us how she was blown away. She had just been praying for god to help her because the night before she had seen a lot of anti Mormon material on youtube. So, she asked us to come over and answer her questions. We ended up spending around 2 hours answering all sorts of questions, from the benign to the absurd. I am so grateful that we were able to follow the spirit that morning, as well as through the lesson, because of the spirit being with us we were able to answer ALL of the questions that she had and help her feel comforted once again that the truth is found in the book of Mormon. She assisted church the next day and is now even more confident in the church. Later she explained that she's now actually grateful for seeing all of the anti even though it shook even her faith in the savior, because now she knows so much more about the church and how any anti out there is absolutely absurd and off the wall. We are very glad to be privileged to have the spirit with us to help us teach!

That is just one experience out of so many I could share! I love being a missionary!

Here is a quick video to watch, it is awesome! Share it with your friends!

Love yall!


Hey yall!

We just had transfers today and so i thought i would send my new address!

712 Meadow dr
Birmingham, AL

so apparently if you look that up on google maps it will not be my address, but mail comes perfectly fine according to my companion haha.

Anyway, i am serving in the Inverness ward here in southern Birmingham and i'm stoked to be here! My new companion is Elder Littleford. itll be a blast!

love, Elder Steele

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