Thursday, July 17, 2014

Week 3!


Today is the aneversary of my 3rd week here! it also is my half way point at the MTC! (hump day!) its been such an amazing and humbling expirience being here! ive learned more in the course of 3 weeks then i feel like i have my entire life! my faith has skyrocketed and i know that the lord blesses all of us! the more good works you do, the more you receive! but i encourage everyone, when you receive blessings, never forget to be thankful! The lord loves us, and loves to know we love him too!

My week went well! mostly just language and religion classes, but its way fun! the learning expiriences are pretty awesome! However every day we have a gym time, it is such a blessing, it helps you refocus and then your night study is 10 fold better! the lord knows we need breaks every once in a while! during this gym time we play soccer! sometimes with the latinos, (theyre hilarious) and sometimes just a bunch of missionaries, we play street soccer on street courts, and sometimes full games out on the main feild! The only thing i really wish i had at this point are shin guards! they are a bit beaten and bruised, but oh well! soccer, or futball, is just another skill i am learning. 

Learning is really what a mission is about too! its about growing and progressing, learning every day so that you can help others learn and grow as well. I am so excited to go out in the feild! i can understand spanish well, but i know itll be a super steep learning curve in the feild no matter what! i am just so excited to go and make a difference in someones life, i want to help them receive true happiness through the gospel of christ! thats the only thing in this life that does bring true happiness, its just amazing to have the oportunity to be part of this work!

On sunday this week we had an amazing devotional, it was a talk given by elder bednar a while ago, In his talk he said something to the extent of ´´dont draw vain attention to yourself, draw attention to the lord´´ Thats what its all about! im just a messenger, a pathway so that people can feel the spirit, as long as i am worthy and doing my best out here, i know that the lord will touch the hearts of investigators, he is the ultimate teacher :) The talke went on and at the end he gave his apostolic witness that if you are obediant and study hard, folling the promptings of the spirit, ´´You can do this´´ we can do anything through the power of the lord. Put faith in him, cling to him and none other, and he shall direct thy paths. Anyone who is going through hard times, trust in the atonement, its power covers all, and you can make it through anything with the power f god. You are never truly alone. Look for angels, search for the spirit in your life, Everything will turn out just fine ;)

I wish i had more time to write expiriences, but know that the CCM is just an awesome place and expirience, i have a lot to learn but i am learning a lot every day!  I challenge everyone to take moronis promise at the end of the book of mormon. Read it, and pray for yourself with real intent. You WILL receive a conformation of the holy ghost, and you WILL know it is the most true book on earth. I know it, and i want everyone to come unto christ and know of this glorious truth too. 

I love you all!

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